170318, 1200, Ängelholm Church, Ängelholm, Sweden
Improvisations and compositions for organ and computer in close collaboration with organ player and composer Johan Magnus Sjöberg.
composer and sound artist
170318, 1200, Ängelholm Church, Ängelholm, Sweden
Improvisations and compositions for organ and computer in close collaboration with organ player and composer Johan Magnus Sjöberg.
120525, 21:00, St Johannes Kyrka, Malmö, Sweden
[Gud?] Eftertänksam musik – en visuell meditation / Thoughtful music – a visual meditation
This is not a concert. It is not a sermon or a play. Perhaps it is a kind of being, or a possibility to receive music and visual scenography in a moment of stillness, reflection and inspiration.The event consists of new music for voice, bass clarinet, organ and computer in combination of visual scenography with video, lights, shadow play and much more.
Concept: Thomas Romlöv and Stefan Klaverdal
Music by Stefan Klaverdal, performed by Mia Hjorth (voice), Natalie Eriksson (bass klarinet), Robert Hallberg (organ) and Stefan Klaverdal (computer)
Visual Scenography and more by Claes Eriksson and Thomas Romlöv
111103, everywhere
The oratory Levande Vatten for mixed and childrens choir, percussion, organ and computer is published by the Norwegian music publishing house Cantando.