Performance in Viken

190402, 12:30, Viken church, Sweden

Performance with electronic improvisations together with Karin Johansson, organ.

New piece at Lund Contemporary

190210, 19:00, Aula Magna, Lund, Sweden

First performance of ”Mayhem Music” for as many mobile phones as possible, and at least two musicians.

Performance during the festival Lund Contemporary.

Choir music in Lund

190209, 19:00, Allhelgonakyrkan, Lund, Sweden

O Människa, a piece for male choir commissioned by Körcentrum Syd is performed by Ängelholms kvartettsångare in a concert called 9-9-9 during the festival Lund Contemporary.

Performance in Lund

190119, 17:00, Allhelgonakyrkan, Lund, Sweden

Performance with computer and organ in collaboration with Johan-Magnus Sjöberg during Eter festival.

Performance in Malmö

181201, 19:00, Molekyl Gallery, Malmö, Sweden

Klubb C-Y with Stefan Klaverdal performing on computer with Ida Höög on recorder and Josef Söreke on guitar.

Ingen automatisk text tillgänglig.

Release of a book, films and music

181102, 1700, Hjärnarp, Sweden

Release of the package ”Om natten kommer känslorna” – 1 book, 10 films, 31 music pieces and 1 deck of conversation cards created with and aimed towards young persons aged 13-18. Workgroups of teenagers have selected a number of subjects that are important to young people today, and we have together created a way of working with them using nonverbal expressions such as music.

New oratory in Lund and Malmö

181015, 1700, Magle konserthus, Lund, Sweden
181020, 1600, STPLN, Malmö, Sweden

Premiere of Dreams, a new oratory based on interviews with refugees in Sweden interfoliated with classical arabic poetry by female poets from around year 1000.

Performed by Saxenborn Singers, Joachim Saxenborn (cond.), Batoul Ardat and Yazan Alqaq (actors), Ali sabah (oud), Celia Linde (guitar) and Stefan Klaverdal (computer)

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