081018, 15:00, S:t Jacobs church, Stockholm, Sweden
Performance of the piece RIT by choirs at the choral celebration concert of conductor Gary Graden. The internationally renowned choral director has been in the church of S:t Jacob for 25 years, and is celebrated by his choirs.
Small melodies in musical performance
081017, 19.00, Academy of Music, Malmö, Sweden
Small melodies by Klaverdal are arranged by and played by students in a musical. It is the result of an intense week of music and drama for 60 first-year students where they (re)compose, arrange, and dramatize a theme from scratch. The course is led by Klaverdal, Ann-Krestin Wernersson and Lisa Hallberg.
Performance of installation ”Dialog” in Liverpool
081006, Liverpool, United Kingdom
The sound installation/electronic piece Dialog is performed/showed at an international conference in Liverpool. The piece is a part of an international project within EU (Socrates) called Dialogue, and was commissioned by the Stockholm City School of Arts.
Klaverdal receives a grant from Swedish Church
080923, Uppsala, Sweden
Klaverdal receives a grant from the Cultural board of the Swedish Church for his upcoming work on a new oratory on baptism!
Choir piece in radio
080918: 09:00, Swedish Radio P2
Vägen framför andra as performed by Lunds Vokalensemble is broadcast in the program ”Önska i P2”.
computer duo inandout at Malmöfestivalen
080820, 19.30, Malmö
The computerduo ”inandout” (Klaverdal/Hjorth) plays in Filmtältet at Malmöfestivalen in a multiperformance with silent movie, narration, live drawings of comics and more. All on the theme of Dracula!
New review on Dual Chant and The Longing of Eurydice
”This album is masterfully programmed”
See Music Web for more!
Grant from Swedish Arts Grants Comittee
Stefan Klaverdal receives a grant from the Swedish Arts Grants Comittee for his continuous work with new compositions.
1st prize in Bourges composition competition (IMEB)!
080606: Bourges, France
The music to INSYN was awarded first prize by an unanimous jury in the category of multimedia. The prize was one of only two awarded in seven categories!
INSYN is a dancefilm by choreographer Klara Elenius with music by Stefan Klaverdal, that has previously been awarded with several international prizes. Recently screened in Copenhagen it has been screened all over the world.
First performance of commission for organ and computer in Paris
080608: 18.15, Saint-Esprit, Paris (France)
God’s Breath, a new piece for organ and computer, commissioned by Rikskonsert to Hampus Lindwall!