Vad Šr grenens fel? (2011)

- sŒnger om naturen och mŠnniskan i staden

(What did the branch do wrong? – songs about nature and human in the city)

childrens choir, string quartet

Lyrics: Gustav Fršding, Stefan Klaverdal

Music: Stefan Klaverdal


Scores (PDF), piano reduction also available.


Regn (Fršding)

tervinningskanon (Klaverdal)

Vinden (Klaverdal)


Ett lšv pŒ marken (Fršding)


Recording (mp3)


In an attempt to capture how nature and city mix and interact in contemporary society, the poet Gustav Fršding have lent his words to a few songs in combination with lyrics by Klaverdal. How do we treat our close environment? Do we enjoy nature even in the city?