Songs of Insanity
for soprano computer, video and stage
Stefan Klaverdal
Demo video below.
Songs of Insanity
Opera/performance/concert/installation for voice, computer, video,
knitting needles, etc
Songs of Insanity is a contemporary interdisciplinary work with a slight
focus on music where we explore hysteria and psychiatric disorders through
time. In the work we blend reality with poetry, facts with fiction, we make
music out of madness and give a voice to insanity.
Songs of Insanity is a work weaving a story of two women with different
mental disorders from two centuries. A young woman travel during the 1990s to
the Amazon Jungle to grieve her motherÕs death, but instead she takes on
Schizophrenia and is sent home to be hospitalized in a
psychiatric ward. The young Elvira in BelliniÕs 19th century opera
ÒI PuritaniÓ develops hysteria when her lover is taken from her. With a common
thread of love, insanity, and powerlessness and hope the both women meets
across time and space.
Songs of Insanity is a work in progress that takes on new shapes every
time it is performed. It can be a staged performance just as well as an
installation in a gallery. It has been performed since 2004.
Songs of Insanity is a combination of text, composed and improvised
electronic and acoustic music, contemporary music, opera, video, knitting,
performance, installation and many other things. The texts come from a young
schizophrenic womanÕs diary, interviews with her, facts and from the opera I
Puritani by Bellini.
Concept, music, text, installation, and video: Lisa Hansson (voice) and
Stefan Klaverdal (computer)
Length: approx. 30-90 min
Gear: varies due to the changeable nature of the work, but at least PA,
projector, tables and chairs
Stage: min. 3x4 m2
different circumstances the feather light steps would have been comic, but here
in the performance Songs of Insanity about two women with psychiatric disorders
they are only disquieting. The insanity frightens, and intrigues.
É Is
this how madness sounds? Or a human being that gradually starts to heal? I am
drawn to it, but also feel uncomfortable.Ó
Hallansdposten 2010-09-13
Òit is very poignant. And cleverly done.Ó
Ystad Allehanda 2010-07-10